the proposition
beauty is what appears
there is no time for essence
we move to the end of revelation
the heart is a chamber of echoes
when lover’s eyes
cold hands / every act is true
the self and other functions necessary to fact
if it was as simple as avoidance
in every act the question put
when he said love one another as I have loved you
when the path taken is unknown and clear
the truth of people is what they can see clear-eyed
when you come to the question of how to be
yes and how to match the trauma with explanation
we are all sustained by the great poverty of love
the dynamic that is never still
there is a giving up at every point
you can often slip through the impossible unseen
in the end it can only be a question of style
the range of human power is +1 or -1
the mathematics of unknowing
it’s not that anyone can say why
beneath the presentation in the absence of explanation
God came after the fact
there is always a question of kind
you have no option but to choose
the origin of forms is not a question of cause
the sky is without end
what can you do for another?
the world contracted thus
best to see it as a disappearing train
a space where you can be without identity
the observer does not see the observing this is the crux of it
you could take it as just an obsession
the passionate always walk alone
the way of being is a stand against
we move always in the shadow of other worlds
in the world of objects the spirit is untouched
to be driven by the senses is the purest way of being
beware the trap of blood
your essence is fluidity
it’s just a movement to emptiness
the question of how to find coherence
the world was born in secret
the heart just moves from space to space
when the point of focus becomes the loss of strength
the eyes of God are blind
the diamond maker sees in darkness
the heart was born in horror and sunlight
somebody said they saw me
always the innocent heart passes through shadows
if a deep order behind / beneath appearance
and as to the beating heart
Sam Phillips / five colours
the necessity of shutting down worlds
on the forgotten stone
the world is a function of the eye
beyond the logic of the need for explanation
it is to regard everyone and everything with awe
the great illusion is that there can be control
particular existence is a relation between
it rides fast in the wind
our consciousness of existence is our only knowledge
the fact of time subverts identity
everything is necessary / nothing is sufficient
every heart is broken / only the sound of tap dogs / there is a brightness
the noise behind the sound is a constant translucent whiteness
in the wealth of nations or in love and hate
a kaleidoscope heart the colours of the world /
a moonlight question for blackbirds and trees
beauty is what appears
(the phenomenal
is a function of
the world
as that which surrounds mind
its origin and foundation
and so
we translate within language
one term for another
is knowledge
if so
any assertion
is equal to
any other
and all propositions
are exhaustive
of truth)
there's no time for essence
(we just run /
the stillness is never
it is something else
outside of time
you know it
in a moment
and always
it is gone
and ever present
the anguish and the violence
any lover's kiss
the heart behind
the heart
the world as made)
we move to the end of revelation
(there is a point
when the choice is made
that is never uttered
to return to the silence
before the cry
to listen
to a logic
deeper than language
to sense
the rhythm of being
before existence
to walk into
the colour and the shape
of the hills and the sky
in the crowd of the world
to watch
the wind
the heart is a chamber of echoes
(the heart is the mind
the mind is the heart
outside of metaphor
there is no translation
everything is without
it is pure being
before your eyes
it is pure being
behind your eyes
every lost world dying
every new world
you must deal with
on a thought by thought
this is the daily
even so
there is no question
the matter is settled
just love
and old men
know this
right thinking
is delight
it is without basis
it has no foundation
here is the test
the right act
a necessary act
its mark
is pure contingency
it is without cause
the way of gods
and beasts
the physics
that underlies the earth
the music
of the spheres
play true
to the sound of things
if you listen to
the actual
there is no option
casts no shadow)
when lover's eyes
(what is seen
the mystery the panic
the joy
the unknown
in reflection
an accident of
sense substance
but here too
the beginning
of the world
a question
of survival
the hunger of need
the thirst
of desire)
cold hands / every act is true
is indeterminate
in its definition
of its object
and so its value
the great illusion
is objectivity
always the play
of priests emperors
and grifters
you decide
what is in your interest
and it can never be
in all settings
the decision
is only a thought
to act
every action
a quick grab
into the unknown
we imagine
possible worlds
to give substance
and form
to the actual
there is no one view
only a plurality
of minds
points of light
in the darkness)
the self and other fictions necessary to fact
(the issue is space / time
and if
it could be
we would have identity
that is not
by knowing
that doesn't bleed
into metaphysics
at the slightest
the quick silver
and therefore
it makes perfect sense
to create a template
and hold it as
in psychology
this is character
like when people just live
in terms of their necessity
without a thought
moments of bliss
in mathematics
and really
what else for the sprite
number -
and the apparent motion
of calculation?
in religion God
or the son thereof -
or indeed
an alternative world
without the energy
of uncertainty
and the anxiety
of creation
in science
and other small screams
in the dark
in madness
the mirror is broken
and the pieces
are alive
and if it is the case
that consciousness
has no ground
has no logic
before itself
why not?
outside of it
is nothing
that can be known
and this is
the real basis
and the source
of all
laughter true
but even so
we must move
if it was as simple as avoidance
(logic puts
either / or
and this is
a dangerous trick
as if
there is a line
when in fact
the question is how
to draw any line
at all
not to mention where
we operate with
p or -p
as a rule of thumb
up and down
the street
it works for questions
of fact
as presented
on the surface
of things
it is raining
or it is not raining
but of no use
she loves
she loves me
and the strangest of all signs
the universal
is what?
the idea of the domain
of domains
we understand
things within things
we think a place
that is not included
when it comes to me
all I can say is
there is a light
and behind
the light
an unknown source
but this is to go
too far)
in every act the question put
(as if nothing else
to say
what does the artist do
but make himself
/ or her
outside himself
/ or her
and so to be
the author
of that
made or can we say
not if the conservation
of mass
perhaps then
still the point is
to see
the subject as object
or so it would appear
a strange state of affairs
I hear you say
inside / out
that which is
as that which is not
and hence
the impossibility of
on any footing
as clear as day
but always the central question
where am I?
as if nothing else
and everything comes
to this
we have posits
categories of place
to work from
but nothing
to call your own
and so
to take a wide view
endless motion
when he said love one another as I have loved you
(I say it is no more
than everything
we need desire think
and do
there is no commandment
no should
in the desert wide view
and 'God'
the simple statement
of this
a name
for possibility
a sign
of the logic
of consciousness
in re
and you may ask
when did you not
and when did love
not reply?
do not think
it is only pleasure
or the construction
comes close
but suffering
as if
finally nothing
with empirical
the escape
of spirit
or the door
to another door
and so on
you are never
when the path taken is unknown and clear
(there are decisions made about how the world is and
how you are to be in this life that were made in the
blink of an eye without knowledge /
strictly speaking they have no origin
they are orphans / they can be loving or dangerous
and any explanation is as good as the next
science god or magic
what it amounts to is
a seeing or foreseeing
or not
of a pattern
that falls from the sky perfect for you
in the dull taste off autumn
even if you don't know
despite the world and anything it throws up
the unseen vision holds with assiduity
there is no more happiness or suffering
pleasure or pain
in the sum of things
as a consequence of this intuition
Dianne Keaton says Mr. Right never came her way)
the truth of people is what they can see clear-eyed
(it is the logic
of a state of affairs
of a mind or heart
the physics of it
if you like
but this is just to set the scene
the matter is way more
it is to identify
and see the relation
x and -x
is the guts of it
when the world
and vanity
is deflated
avoid the trap of
in terms of sense
if the issue is essence
and when is it
the question is always and only
where do you stand?
one's choice of place
is the only
when you come to the question of how to be
(we are all mathematicians
operating in possible worlds
of self
in flesh and blood
mind and spirit
translating one to the other
without a book of code
it is to live magical
in concrete and sky
the making of new signs
new realities
from everything and nothing
to represent
and so
each consciousness
burning bright
a secret language
the light)
yes and how to match the trauma with explanation
(as if anyway
it makes a difference
OK for how things work
in catastrophe
no explanation
they key is multiplicity
to accept the brokenness
each shard
a different view
a different light
another darkness
to shed upon
the event
or at least mitigated
by the possible accounts
that never
amount to
we are all sustained by the great poverty of love
(you take the world away
its structures schemes
systems and things
and the innocent look up
only the tenderness
of touch
is left
and it is the day to day
of one another
not in life decisions
or such
rather a smile
eyes alight
and words that mean
as words
but are the sound
of touch
the gentle heart
is everything
the world is a wind
the simplest
of things)
the dynamic that is never still
(we operate
in the centre
of every dialectic
to either side
a place / a possibility
and so the question
where to go?
a step to the left
a step to the right
there is no resolution
in choice
this is always
a diversion
a distraction
a dead end
the real game
is depth
the going deeper
and the making
of new forms
new expressions
of the unknown
of greater
there is a giving up at every point
(what needs to die
this is the shedding
of lives
the pure stance
is without
and expectation
is simply
the point
is always found
in thought
it is the logic
of absence
and here
the ground of all being
a matter of
and then holding
the world
at bay)
you can often slip through the impossible unseen
(it is as they say
how you see
what you are
blind to
is most important
avoid the trap
being open
to all and sundry
is a lie
though it is
the question
how to hold
a line
and granted
not worth
dying for
but finally
the only way
to maintain
when all
is said
and done
and the hands
are free
a clear
and distinct
from the centre
straight for
the heart)
in the end it can only be a question of style
(and this an idea
of how to be
that holds up against
or through it
artists know this
it comes to them
like rain to ground
criminals too
celebrate a world
outside the ordinary
it goes on and on
each mind
in essence
a unique point
of possibility
a different way
of seeing
but deeper than this
how to stand
in eternity
in the pure
without form
the reason is breath
and truth
so how is this to be?
I say
it is to think
outside of
and to see that
is before
all definition
and in every thought
and act
to bring this
to the day)
the range of human power is +1 or -1
(+1 is to move
from the centre
to initiate
on the basis of
to see clearly
and so to act
-1 is to be moved
from the outside
to respond
on the basis of
to be passionate
and so acted upon
is the position
of non-action
and non-affect
here the essence
the ground
of conscious being
it is the space
of absence
of stillness
it is
the moment
and as such
never known)
the mathematics of unknowing
(in practice
we live in
how to act
or what to be
there are no
only degrees
of independence
or its loss
there is no
clear way
a proposition
is put
a proposition
a calculation
the energy of being
is its own
it's not that anyone can say why
we live without
the body
sees itself
from the inside
and as a result
thinking is
the breakdown
of everything
even so
no guarantee
this is how
it is
we see what we see
x = x
draw the line here
is just a decision
the horror
the horror
and begin
the begine
the great
of dreams
of dreams
of dreams)
beneath the presentation in the absence of explanation
(the electric field
of madness
and things that are
the source is
at the centre
of any order
why else structure?
the making
is to show
the absence
of design)
God came after the fact
(it was known
we created
the alternative
to the simplicity
of blind
so as to make
the given
as if all our needs
to be met
what vanity
but how else could
it be?
what wish
cannot be granted
should be?
the line
is just between
and nothing
x or -x
is the history
of everything
we touch)
there is always a question of kind
(and so
is an absence of definition
even possible?
the idea of a natural state
before order
or is it that
a fix of some kind
is the given
and the range of possible
the limit of
the limitless?
perhaps it is just
we are led astray
and imagine
just what
is not
as if it is)
you have no option but to choose
(a life is only seen
from the outside
in terms of other's eyes
and from the inside
where to take a stand
at what point in which
the one and only?
it is no simple matter
what you present
everything is
an interpretation
based on nothing but
a chance thought
unless the state of things
and a particular cut
is needed
be aware
how you see yourself
and how you represent
is always
a work of art
with the pretence
of finish
and the illusion
of articulation
beneath the statement
to yourself
and to the world
you are an unknown
and so
of necessity
of being fixed
by any conception
of your mind
the origin of forms is not a question of cause
(what we see
the contents of consciousness
is evanescent
on reflection
we seek reason
as if
the last thought
the ground
for the next
or is it the other
way around?
and so
a picture of relations
this is
no more than
a reflex
an action of mind
it has no bearing
on how
things stand
it is like breathing
or the heart
just what happens
and therefore
or as much
any event
so called)
the sky is without end
(and it never
consciousness gives us
what we see
every intricacy of sense
the language of mind
to the world outside
behind this panorama
has no appearance
it does not speak
there is no deep
what can you do for another?
(what is there
to hold to
of a person
to grasp?
the appearance changes
from whatever angle
and finally
and to the question
of essence
it is to face square
the unknown
a source of delight
the ground of
let us just say
be true
to the ideal
of enabling
another's truth
whatever this may
either that
or walk away)
the world contracted thus
(I am what
I appear to be
and I am
what does not
the point
of unity
is unknown
it is nevertheless
a necessity
that underlies
mind and body
deeper than
and more essential
the world
of appearance
the other sees
and imagines
and when you touch
you see
and imagine
this is just to say
or closeness
the possibilities
for a time
and space)
best to see it as a disappearing train
the shapes
that were forming
and moving
down the streets
the tracks of mind
always a world
worlds within
the journey
I am
a series of pictures
and disappearing
lost spaces
of the heart
and so
it should be
in a breath)
a space where you can be without identity
(you can step back
in thought
to its negation
to the absence of
and be still
in a simple presence
a place of no
a space before
the emergence
of matter
or spirit
it is the unknown
the source
and beauty
that is
the observer does not see the observing this is the crux
of it
the truth
to cut a long story
is to embrace
the unknown
as the source
of all
you could take it as just an obsession
(that perpetuates
in expression
the point of which
to find
its reason
the world is blind
and I would suggest
or the essence
is uniform
and this is why
never falters)
the passionate always walk alone
(at heart
it's a reaction to
the order of the day
the assertion of self
as outside
the frameworks
of other minds
the attempt to find
a place unbound
to touch
the un-touched
to find
the essence
and never will this be acceptable
for the world
moves to
an ordering
for function
and so
the dangerous act
will be marked
even so
no one can live
in the given
we must all seek
its origin)
any way of being is a stand against
(if an essence
we have
no way of knowing
we decide
if we decide
at any rate
as we must
in what is
given us
a question
of definition
what is it
we face?
we make
an answer
for the moment
we can never
and for
an act to be
must be
your reasons
are only what
you make
of your acts
of the fact
does not bring
the world
is blank
we make
we move always in the shadows of other worlds
(regions of being
and not recoverable
who you were
and where
dislocated images
for no reason
eyes that flash
as if the question
never answered
what you felt
a dull tug
from your own
that point to
the haunting
of false truths
a step away)
in the world of objects the spirit is untouched
gives us
the awareness
of possibility
and this can be
a liberating effect
or indeed
lead to
a loss of charge
depending on
the day the moon
or the stars
the objective world
as a game to be
the pieces in place
or to be made
and know
you are always
what you posses
or what you lose)
to be driven by the senses is the purest way of being
the impact of any act
of delight
is dissolved
in thought
even so
it is not as if
you can escape
the desire
for essence
some look to
pure thought
here though
nothing is fixed
agreed upon
we live
in uncertainty
pleasure falls
to illusion
to possibility
and beauty
not an ideal
the absence
beware the trap of blood
(you stand alone
in a world of dreams
wings within wings
the infinity
from the centre
and so
the smell of fear
is only the forest
at night
and need
is what you are
the promise of blood
is nothing
the hearts inside
the heart
go back to
a single cell
split in two
and every abomination
on the same
wrenching forth
do not expect
the return to one
every union
of body or soul
a conjunction
in the sun
a coupling
of wind and fire
be at peace
in your days)
your essence is fluidity
(there is no
in a consciousness
at which it is true
or false
we move with
different pictures
we operate
and are free
to the extent
we do not know
by all means seek
of your life
and if you find
an idea
that is right
and good
and a way to be
make yourself
in its terms
right to the bone
for this is
a great and worthy
it is the work of art
and beauty is to be
in deciding
what is not
should you find
the notion
falls short
and this just
the reality of doubt
nothing is lost
for you will
always be
more than
any idea
of yourself
the truth is absence
the truth is space
let yourself go)
it's just a movement to emptiness
(the body remains
as shadow
its action is
to essence
the internal is lost
loses its grip
a door closes
and the room beyond
the question how to find coherence
(as if
an idea will resolve
put the fix in
the essential
of experience
from another
point of view
or just
the way of
comin' and goin'
no glory
there is nothing higher
or lower
the vision
flat and extended
the purity
of desert
the elegance
of truth
the ground of
you can see
is here)
the world was born in secret
(flowers grow
to delight
gentle bodies walking
fail to see
or choose to deny
the horror
is a black stone
in the paddock
can explain
the shine
in the distance blue hills
animals and men
wander aimlessly
in fields
apparently looking
(there is no mind)
illusion is
the reason for
every action
and we
inhale / exhale
to a prearranged
paint your image
in the sky
the clash
of gods)
the heart just moves from space to space
(and each time
a world complete
as if
there never was
/ whatever reason precipitates
be it anguish
be it delight
an explosion of image
a light show
for consciousness
to give the illusion
of substance
to play the trick of
in the end
all to the fact
of silence
the pure
of act)
when the point of focus becomes the loss of strength
(as if there never was
and passion
is a shadow
and mind
nothing to discover
just the eternal
and what of touch?
so the illusion true
it is a sea of transparency
only the intrigue
of colour
gives reason
shape is doubtful
and content
the absence
a train ride in the country
would be good
for the body
and the world
could run through consciousness
as if
young again)
the eyes of God are blind
(and here the true
of stone
the making of image
nothing but
a contortion of physics
for delight
as to the babel
of hearts
only the intricacy
of being
with forms
of another space / time
hence the illusion
of difference
the only joy
we move with intent
as if
a reason
rather the grand
writ small
even so
for all its impossibility
the beauty
of these hills
rolling green
any metaphysics
as if
an ancient
made still)
the diamond maker sees in darkness
(the comfort of black
the poetry of stone
under feet
move in passion
to drink
the unknown
is to know the delight
of no
the fire heart
cannot be drenched
and everything
living or not
a word
language is never spoken
it is the making
of each event
every vision
of beauty
and death)
the heart was born in horror and sunlight
(the lost time
of well walked
and known
and there must be a point
a deep significance
outside of perception
the reason
is just not there
and so
we act to create
as if a young woman's
in the summer of '72
the cool walls
and thought paths
in the Atlantis
of eucalypt
and wattle trees
I have lived in many
I am the different
of the unknown
and every trick
of light
and time)
somebody said they saw me
(the given
of consciousness
is without purpose
origin or end
the moment
in itself
is peerless
true delight
(as pale
as a pale sky)
it is only
on reflection
we need
and in its absence
the original sin
as if
staring at
the absent corpse
and so
the need to transform
into bits
and to give
these atoms
of the mind
and direction
and with this
the making
of the character
of the world
as if
it could not get on
and motive
we create illusion
out of nothing
to forget
the final truth)
always the innocent heart passes through the shadows
is a complex configuration
does anyone believe?
it is a loss of grip
by those who must hold
and the angels who fly free
are never grasped
they lack the darkness
of substance
and here the reason for
in the name of
it might be
a misuse of logic
and not
a blackness
of the heart
either way
you see finally
or in the beginning
there is no name
and so
the great unknown
that should not be?
at least for those
who seek
a point
a reference
for reference
on the other hand
when you open
the door
to the garden
there is only laughter
and this
a sign of
the forms
of joy)
if a deep order behind / beneath appearance
(it is not conscious
for consciousness is
the effect
and a function of
what is beneath
and so
a logic of no awareness
the empty sign
or any sign
the question
the essence
but for
the world
if so
what appears
is what is
to describe
the only
and every attempt
we fly
the fall
the place
no ground)
and as to the beating heart
(the days of pale blue
behind the deep and complex
history of nothing seen
and the seer
imagination has no structure
the world given
a moving thing
the dream magic of substance
a pure logic of operation
in whatever form
and so
the way of bodies
sensation / action
the illusion of mind
the great stillness)
Sam Phillips / five colours
the inside
of the world
the body
we cannot see
outside of
on reflection
the beautiful
is space
for decision
without reason)
the necessity of shutting down worlds
(of the heart
there are no constants
though the desire for
so the mind pretends
with all its force
the fix on matter / body
and always the escape
the loss
of grip
and the point is
the need for certainty
is more
the anticipation of
the preparation for
the lust of it
human touch
and we are ever
in the movement
the symphony
the motion of things
is vitality
forget the vanity of
the truth is deeper
(the mind is
but a screen
for showing)
light / sound
the action of the infinite
in every presentation
and so
no doubt
the shock of abandonment
or betrayal
for how else
would you go on?
the history of everything
must be
of things past
horrors / delights
in the art of fact
the seeking of
reason for
as if there was
a beginning
or indeed
an explanation
on the forgotten stone
(a distinction
what is desert /
what is not?
millions of ants
on another level
the absence of fixture
the space of not-knowing
is the reason for
any action or
thought to
dawn is the closing of
an eye
and the sun
the argument of disdain
night the place of
the eyes are blind
and bright
everything moves
if so
and there was once
history here
for a moment
the totality
now emptiness
and junk
where we begin /
desolation just is
the matter
out of which
and stars
the illusion of
it's as if
there should be more
as to the logic of forms
a particular thing
at a particular
is all there is
to being
and reason
an action of mind
the world
in the absence
of God
there is
the world is a function of the eye
(behind the eye
mind is
(and the picture of out)
we see
that we see
is the point
(never seen)
too much really
the ramblings of one
who cannot be held
by a moment
who would have thought
the slave is free?
(and disconnected)
extraordinary -
just ways of being
like pathways
though the garden
by the unknowing
and much as
you may wish
you cannot deny
the effect
is now
and so always
the problem of translation
is the problem of language
what to make of
the presentation
the body
tells every story
but so
being in
and the world
with every perspective
the timeless
and this is what
you never
the wrenching
my heart
was never pure
it never knew
the truth
(in the midst)
of everything
with no
beyond the logic of the need for explanation
the cool silence
we can only
as what
is not
the impossibility of peace
is just the action
of action
(it is without mind)
and mind
a reflection
the image that holds
as the moon
follows you home
in the words of the
but for the import
of colour / shape
and touch
we have only lines
on a plane
or undefined primitives
in the absence
this is about
the best you can
that we (and the stones
and the stars)
it is to regard everyone and everything with awe
(given that
the brutal fact
the cold beauty of
as such
is without account
anything / anyone?
is the first
and only question
of your eyes
beyond this
of dust
the emptiness
space for
to be still
the great darkness)
the great illusion is that there can be control
just from the reach and
the configuration
I would suggest
the differentiation of bodies
the idea of myself
and what
is / not
and so the view
it is possible
to see
the mistake of consciousness
outside of reality
the logic
is clear
this is not on
it is ingrained
and so
to science
the objective view
that there is
an object
outside of
the subject
that can
be embraced
and known
is the making of
to the purpose
of power
is what
it comes to
bad metaphysics
too easy)
particular existence is a relation between
(the holding
a set up
beyond comprehension
the reality
of being in
the world
we live and laugh
and die
in the colours of space
and the energy of time
of mind
outside of this
in explanation of
any picture
as valid
as another
I figure
it is deeper than
where there is no
and only thought
has an answer
to the question
what can you do
but give
to the beggar?
what can the beggar
but take?
the world disappears
at every moment
it is given
it rides fast in the wind
(as if
a stillness
at the centre
the illusion
of design
is no more
a deeper
made necessary
an accident
our consciousness of existence is our only knowledge
(and it is
a knowledge
without certainty
this is it
and so
we can dispense
with the props
of actuality
and think
this offers
no consolation
in the face of contingency
the infinity of frames
in lightning speed
beyond the eye
and face the horror
of fact
without foundation
you can
decide for the
and be witness
to the invisible
the effervescence
of spirit
you could say
to the senses
and find
the great emptiness
of delight
is a blackness
in short
I recommend
the practice
the fact of time subverts identity
we persist with the illusion
there is no choice but
to insist
in the face of the absence
of form
a notion
you could argue
has no basis
in fact
it is the only
of consciousness
at each
turn of the eye
each beat
of the heart
even death
has no hold
we live in
what I was
is not what I am
what I am
is nothing but
what I was
you cannot draw a line
but the fact of no
a ground of uncertainty
a source
of fertility?
the point
I think is
no judgement
can be made
every construction
this is the place
of being free
undefined /
the senses
or the end
everything is necessary / nothing sufficient
the fix
as if
there could be
a mistake
a slip
a contingency
is in motion
even so
no accident
is without
the picture is
a world
this world
you say
and outside of
is just thought
the spider
in us all
I want to say
there is no
no surplus
all forms
all things
are needed
and know
you are
every heart is broken / only the sound of tap dogs / there is a brightness
(in the trees
under the ground
and above
it is covered in flesh and bones
and eyes reveal
the essence is thought
it is beneath /
and it is like
white spirits
no colour / or texture
only fire
I have known the way of this
and now stand back
to watch
the same eyes
are where
you find
the emptiness
of yearning
and the joy
of absence
God is always there
the chill is not
the cold is true
in old rooms
in the abandoned
a wild woman with a needle
in your room
while you are at work
you discover
in the future
at the bottom
by stool
for Kris K
the noise behind the sound is a constant translucent
(before God
was conceived or
for that matter
we are expressions
of this
that became
of object
and then
to see
or imagine
there is
a history
the moment
that gives it
a reason
to be
as you wander
the city lanes
the new history
of stone
and the amazing
thing is
you can only
the mind
is out there
to imagine
the absence
of a time line
a place
with no
the fix
was always
the reflections
in the wealth of nations or in love and hate
(it is a dependence
the possibility
a relation
the illusion
there is nothing
to believe
but belief
a kaleidoscope heart the colours of the world /
(the illusion
is stability
the myth of Euclid
is the glory of it
and the fractions
of being
moving in and out
moving in and out
the hollow forms
is the reason for
how so?
the terror of
is the only
constraint on
we live within
the imagined
out of nothing
on a blue sky day)
a moonlit question for blackbirds and trees
and is it that everyone
has this
dark mass
that goes back
to everything
before the light
the effervescence
of consciousness
a reminder
in the heart
the dead
of emotion
a point of origin
we need to
for bearings
or just
it is essential
to know
as the source
of light)
road songs
as to /
what you see - the surface (of another) is hardly it / you always see
beyond your focus ) outwards ( and beneath is what you already know up
front / like the clothes worn on a body (it's called the showing) get
that for a turn around - there is nothing beyond (Wittgenstein tried
this one on) so why would you bother to inquire? at the heart of things /
everybody kneels and pants / the hunger is immoral (and insatiable) so
you have to divert / Darwin was on the track here - make planes (not the
flying machines) for to throw off the stench - and there assemble the
structure (the world) in Venice it's called a mask - in delirium the end
of sickness (for mathematicians it doesn't really exist however to keep
you quiet they will concede function / though really why would you
bother to turn your gaze from delight / the rest of us they will tell
you have been looking in the wrong way) / what is the absence of (?) -
and you wonder why it is ingrained - so // there have always been beings
who structure unique (only as a defence against the metaphysics of
solid things) and you can learn there is no place - so anywhere will do
nicely thank you very much or like my father you can reach transcendence
a spiritness (completely hidden by the appearance)
what is behind / what is behind / the eyes (the field of action you
might say physicists like to think they've got it cold - in fact they
don't see that you can't see the seeing / OK back up Shorty / imagine
little wire like figures (without minds) moving in relation to (there is
no substance to these things) they are pictures that have no referents /
lights (that are never seen) so / at least there is happening and it
has no hold on itself / (blind as Saturday night) yeah OK so why the
anguish as if nailing it would stop the sweating and dreaming with no
logic the point is moot
(I was going to say it's about separating out what's already separated
out like saying what happens when you distinguish one colour from
another / you draw a line that must already be there)
there are some women who only have intelligence left. they are skinny
boney and brown as berries it's when you come to gardening as the only
thing that makes sense / they have large eyes / harbouring a wisdom as
cold as fruit / children gone as never had or hadable (it must be a
relief) carving anger into a figure that stands on the window sill
hollow eyes seeing only the outside (the last demon eating from a bowl
on the kitchen floor) and men as if they never were shadows passing in
the flicker of light down / through Autumn trees
the leaves on the path alone / true consolation
dissatisfaction is any movement away / therefore time is a deduction /
in the logical and economic senses positions are held in / and let go
the point is everything falls (not just you) and the next world into
place (don't sweat it you haven't lost your mind just a step or two) and
you had all that space in that one instant? hard to imagine hey - and
some want to tell you it's cause and effect where do these people come
from I ask you the rubbish heap is just bits that survived the world's
loss of itself and it's replication - there's always a cost / the skinny
white girl says opening her legs and her smile is already died for (so
when do you start paying?) the way of things is an illusion there is no
change beneath the days (it's only light that gives the appearance of
corruption and birth) in a dark room you have a chance to review / the
crime was the beginning / (full stop) and the thing is no-one did it /
and so entirely by accident you've stumbled on the origin of laughter /
(is the fire of light) / drunk eyes see with delight
and the sickness? - always before and after just the way of it if you
watch from the farm house the road the line where nothing comes / whoosh
or goes / a solitary tree in the dry dirt / like there's a reason for
something (legs can only hold it together for so long) and then the
other world closes up tight / you never really know how to get out / not
to worry Murray you don't appear to have suffered at all / that is from
the inside out / as to - well we won't go there now will we -
and there is an image it could be everywhere and it just connects to one
girl (no wonder she took to the night and the hopeless attempt to shed
pride) and after years on that corner only the light burned brighter
we know everyone has reasons / and everyone knows there is no reason /
imagine if the truth did not flicker (what a state we'd be in) Jesus
only the dogs would know (it's called a joke) you see the point is not
knowing / so your biso would just be the same / with the same cunts
beings cunts and Saturday night at the local with Myrtle (true love_ it
would seem withstands every configuration of plagues / God only knows
where that door leads to last time it was the street but that was before
the stars were shut down / Maurie said it's finished but then he might
be right off his head I would bet the dream ended in the last century
and you just stopped wishing / strange calmness in the Burra / no more
poker night they tell you at 6.00. p.m. / now there's a sign (and like
them all sign-ifying nothing) I say stick it (what the gang at the bar
have had to face is eternity) light as a touch
perhaps we just fold down for a time and by chance the drugs start
working again - or some such mistake occurs you see the idea of it
staggering to a / or dissolving itself into a what? is too much of a
stretch in this day and age of wire like things behind the curtain
making picture shows you think you're watching (the facts are quite
simple) Lulu tap dances at the Ritz at 4 in the arvo and only Benny the
taxidermist turns up to watch so there's never really been a last days /
show closing (though it's in someone's mind) / and yes it's not good to
be trapped like that / but hang it all who can bear the cross let alone
the hanging (around) / and as if leaving means anything at all - some
people are sick in the head / they think death is an opening like
there's a difference between things yeah right
horror shudders down the street (the world is unaware)
who would have thought the brace / the chain-mail of text - as hard as
bark really hides the dancing - (the beauty of it is inside you see) the
imposition of it is not a closing a trap a shut down to the floor
nailed - the secret is this - this grid of syntax is the gateway to the
mind's delight it is what happens beneath the signs and their constants -
the possibilities released like a plague and the wind is without
scarring - or heart sinking regret it is the spirit released / this is
where you live when you walk outside / and madness is
every delight / I know the price is sanity / and yes the logic of it is
three dimensional the journey into the outside the outside turning
itself back to - what we have is the fluidity of water it is not subject
/ object vertical looking into space - the great horizontal - I mean
who is to say that's it otherwise no one would paint or do numbers - and
it's just not that how it appears is the background to what will be /
there are innocents that are capable of the most horrendous crimes of
the heart and spirit / and they play as if nothing has happened / I love
the music of old men and women / down the autumn boulevard
the streetscape is just a cover for the great motion that is beyond
order and disorder /a point of light / still / eternal (anything else?)
I keep thinking of splints - wooden splints tied to legs as if this is a
metaphor for lives splintered - the terror of being destroyed is quite
simple - it can happen before you loose your mind with grief those sunny
days / there is in fact no crime - the actor just walks off - the stage
is dead the audience gone there is nothing left to say and so we make a
mythology to give some significance to everything / and it is rather
necessary / there is the backdrop of stars and their implications just
setting / context really for our peculiar affairs / the killers walk
free the dead never leave the miracle is without choice / and that is
the point
to be embraced denied forgotten trashed left on the roadside by a desert
cafe it's footsteps really just mind marks on paper or ground sky or
water and nothing to be found beneath or beyond really this is the great
mystic river - you see there just is no dilemma where did I get that
idea from as if you have to try and work it out and live a life of
epistemological misery either that or go completely immoral leaving bits
and pieces of your mind on the broken days / (like an insect collector)
mirrors reflect the intrusions across light and its variations to
absence / there is always the poker game upstairs at Fat Tony's (hey its
a point of focus / saved lives / just going up those stairs each
Tuesday since 1954 is reason enough) / there's not much to it I hate to
say / apart from the waves of colour behind your eyes
I remember the caress of tress down the convent road the park just
sitting to the side always a place of peace / and for young lovers to be
free (those trees against the sky) there were years I wandered gentle
in their gaze
what has happened to that space and every other time I had the luxury of
- is it all still there layers on layers and always the new one face up
and ready for imprint perhaps the odd detail changed in case an
inventory needs to be taken latter / this is to say there are objective
marks to time though some will tell you esse est percipi (it's the
seeing that makes the world you can be cursed with such a lover) the
rest is imagination / but the real question is how to describe anything /
like what is to count as final / or for that matter is there an initial
state? It's a carnival and you just go from one tent to another the
wonders increase with each step and the laughter is without awareness /
so there is a purity of act we cannot grasp / on reflection - it is the
directness of being qua being as they say at the Bottom Bar / (and it
becomes a longing to be intensified / you see the tragedy is you never
forget / the forms are eternal / and life / your life - the introduction
to essence
with each person / or really any event - it is as if everything was
begun again - and a new direction taken / like repetition is impossible
and the link is difference/
(not drinking can be perilous)
God / it's just a question of art really / something is behind it all
and it makes the things and the wires necessary to hook them up to work /
and the workers necessary to electrify the things and these workers are
really just things-plus / the fact is though it's all got right out of
hand / (and I mean big time though no one's really saying just how bad
it is yet) look we know any project can go off the rails / and it's not
that it has a life of its own it's rather that in this case the
knowledge got lost and now every thing is moving without any reason at
all (strawberry fields forever) / and this is what some have always
longed for / and others will tremble
look / it's either all in or all out / that's logic (writ large; small
is 'either / or') / erotic dancers have an identical movement but they
can only show it / they have no way of saying it in words (as
Wittgenstein demonstrated) the point is it doesn't matter one way or the
other / you are / whatever you want to call it (or) however you wish to
dress it up / or whatever name you adopt or give // if you think / and
have some courage you will always be beyond definition / (hanging out
there with the wild ones) therefore anguish and delight / OK enough said
/ the stools are up / the lights are going out the door / the night is
waiting /
down the street go dreamers full of madness
I went down
into the shadows) the wings of logic (soundless Icarus denied / to fly
in the absence of forms / a moment of retreat the only ecstatic possible
/ a trick of dispersement / or the seeing between every thing / on the
street bright as day / the pure appearance of light is no covering /
rather the illumination of its darkness / Molly the bar maid in skirt
and leggings comes to be (around the corner) her face // all the stones
and sky (even traces of the spirits / come and gone) aspire to be / her
lovely legs the beginning of the world (as we know it) every thought and
touch from and to / the magic of the ordinary / is impossible to grasp
with eyes or numbers we dissipate in pursuit of completeness /
Pythagoras drowning /
silver screaming through the light the blue sky still // the continuous
relentless tragedy renews / so I like to read books or poems that barely
make sense / like hanging from a balcony by-your-finger-tips / the shut
down begins day one / ask any rag trader / it's either / or - a cruel
sanity the sinking to the knees / (or) / the release / the rush of
madness - something beyond mind - perhaps just star dust from your skin /
yes I remember the disconnect was complete the river was inside / a
ride into bright darkness (I lived in two hotels and was looking for a
third?) the thing is you are better to look out / there is nothing
beneath - to see to grab to listen to / (the illusion is you) I hate to
be the one - but there I've done it / you can wander off now (the
outside is where the dreaming goes on)
Spinoza returned / as an itinerant preacher /(Panama hat / baggy pants)
how to recover from the ravages of spirit / in prison the inmates tell
him / from the point of view of eternity (means) who gives a fuck? /
there are tribes that wander the alleys and meet on the steps / rituals
of cleansing and abstinence / directions are never true / the light
deceives / (you have no hope) only the illusion of front / like the
actor and the eternal question / a good script? / or Beckett (the idea
of what is between the words) that is the place (you never get out of)
therefore the escape of language is sinful / God does not express / I
would like to believe / the only truth is wood / I have seen it
everywhere / and I was never looking / so / behind every act of design
was the absence of form / nothing is the real deal / and this but a
throw away (you think everyone knows at some level the voices stop
saying / and what is left is all we have / ask the ex-weather girl at
the esplanade market / it's tense / and Jesus the bar has disappeared as
if the world started again (from scratch) / should anyone have to stand
in the wind in a dead man's suit / juggling dreams / for all the world
to see?
the tragedies go to bone / mind is a bird of flight / the days an
eternal reflection repeating (the absence of substance the passage of
light) and time a picture of space / the irresolvable connection is just
ways of speaking (the idea of tense and position) necessary for
locomotion (from a point of view of consciousness) it happens anyway and
so the great superfluousness / nevertheless the source of every emotion
(the climate reflected in your heart) / an exquisite / the essence
everywhere and way displayed in your eyes // it just goes / it just goes
/ on down Fitzroy St. right into the mouth of the sea / we have no
status in the cosmos - there is no differentiation / vitality a
perception / perception - the lake reflecting in the sky / the sky back
to the lake / it goes on / it goes on / creatures have self asserting
biology / just a question of wiring / and God is the shadow / in the
darkness / dancing / we can't help ourselves / there is just no end to
the embrace / the trick is to forget / the problem of reason / wrap
yourself in colourful / apparel and focus on your hands / the journey is
just a distraction / (at best all the attributes of a feast) / nothing
is left once you go / memory is the trick / we are the makers of
assertion and denial / machines with hearts / 010101 /etc. / etc..
....... (but oh the beauty of eyes)
down at the pier there are two old men who fish in a spirit sea they
speak the ancient dialect of recollection and are mad with joy / only
the wind can see them / they have /clouds for eyes / they leave stories
on old newspapers / and people ponder the signs left / the question of
meaning / you can hear them dreaming at the break of dawn / it is the
sound of light / whether they come from time or not is impossible to say
we must have an open mind on creation / the essence of form is anarchy /
only time puts in the fix / and we all know how that goes / so perhaps
the best picture is the horizon (at least infinity is self-consistent)
so relief there - and the hills provide a buffer - a point of view /
time for the sandwich by the side of the road / and then the walking on /
the dust / defies design / we walk in absence / beyond the trees there
are mind places / with ancient bearings / and young people reinterpret
I became a direction for accident / fixed from an arbitrary point / (as
if there is an opposite - this is where the madness begins) and so the
artwork is displayed (from no hand) in every act and thought / it comes
to nothing (it never leaves the blackness) despite the illusion of Sun
(at best out of this poverty a stream of figures / signs posited as
meaning / the world is just a making of itself (ex nihilo) - and for all
intents and purposes everything just is what you believe / and what you
look at / is what is there / here is the miracle / the true beauty of
nothing behind / the great storm of the heart / (is the only presence) a
silence of force and fury / (we are all mute) and every color through
your eyes / of course you must pray in the cold house of marble and wood
where God fearing men come and go / and the great fraud of St.
Augustine was just this / (the decision to bow) / the garden scene made
for television / we are all dressed in pictures of the mind / and so to
the true state of affairs / chanting and incense / and the deep symphony
of shadows / and you will leave / never to find / (it is just the
argument for stillness) that is impossible to recover / and this from
before / the beginning of things / a thought that has no grounding / of
course the flight is light itself (and substance but the illusion of
my heart / is a myth of history lost to breath // there is no sound /
only the space of possibility / poets imagine a place of joy or pain - I
know the fields of everlasting / the moment of birth / is not where
anything begins / it is the playing out of the great argument / here is a
way to see / that will set you free
down every road on every path / delight
ah yes
the point of view: you could say the individual breathing / always / a
product dash function of existing structures / systems - that is above
and beyond - the beauty of small dreams and salutations // and this we
say holds like a fish bowl in God's hands // yes what to do? - you can
be one with the great nothing of forms or stand apart outside the old
movie theatre / in the darkness and the lonely lights (talking to the
girl in the ticket box - who could just be you a chromosome or two
removed) / so / in logic action is based on negation / this is the pure
deal / no content or substance to glug up the works (clear vision has
nothing to do with existence)
if so / the rational / ethical / and the only move in nature is against /
(this does not answer your question) the emptiness is the source the
place to return to of spirit - it is the ground of not
the responsibility for the world is in your fingertips / beyond / there
is no account - the sky has only colour / you cannot touch
and to this dilemma of being conscious - of what cannot be embraced -
you can only adopt a character for the play and watch from the back row
how it goes / the careless heart is a great defence and for the most
part fool proof / the seeker of knowledge is always deluded and well
received at the moment / contempt the lasting impression out in the
farmlands where every face is welcoming / hey there neighbour // the
possibilities are quite endless good and evil just the different forms
nature uses / for the pointless endeavour of continuance (fortunately
from the inside we are all drowning in significance)
universals are concrete and have no centre of consciousness - so / the
quaint think they can vote in or out the powers that be - and the
disinclined imagine a glory of destruction / the revolution starts now -
only to find after the party the masks have just been swapped or
somewhat re-drawn / new divisions where there were once old enmities
(you can get really sick of the whole story especially the puppet heads
of history)
on the other hand the idea that you have control over anything but your
thought is one of those necessary illusions that makes sanity a
reasonable prospect / and every one can enjoy the street party - well
let's face it who wouldn't step into the bar and stay for a decade?
don't mean to Ryle ya but category mistakes are necessary / to keep
various continents of reality semi-connected - otherwise it would just
be the chaos of windowless monads and girls with no morals
first up pain / you would imagine / is indubitable (ought to stop the
slide into nothingness very quick smart ) - and but for an argument of
necessity or recurrence this would be the end of it / a foundation for
consciousness and a definition of evil - the two for one option (just
think of the 3d geometric contortions your soul has been put through or
you put it through over the years of faces and limbs and tell me you
don't believe in cause and effect sweetheart)
and so the beast / the horror in sunlight (beauty is indefinable and black)
at any point // space / time co-ordinates - the mesh / the matrix / the grip -
as if to make order // - the imposition you know is false (before any dream)
the fix on eternity for every thought and action (necessary)
in desperation / always
a way forward
a road / through
© greg t. charlton. 2024. 2025.
all rights reserved.
killer press.
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